Sunday, October 13, 2024

Important shortcut keys for computer

 CTRL+A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select All

CTRL+C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy
CTRL+X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cut
CTRL+V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paste
CTRL+Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undo
CTRL+B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bold
CTRL+U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Underline
CTRL+I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Italic
F1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Help
F2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rename selected object
F3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Find all files
F4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opens file list drop-down in dialogs
F5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refresh current window
F6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shifts focus in Windows Explorer
F10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activates menu bar options
ALT+TAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cycles between open applications
ALT+F4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quit program, close current window
ALT+F6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switch between current program windows
ALT+ENTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opens properties dialog
ALT+SPACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System menu for current window
ALT+¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . opens drop-down lists in dialog boxes
BACKSPACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switch to parent folder
CTRL+ESC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opens Start menu
CTRL+ALT+DEL . . . . . . . . . . Opens task manager, reboots the computer
CTRL+TAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Move through property tabs
CTRL+SHIFT+DRAG . . . . . . . Create shortcut (also right-click, drag)
CTRL+DRAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy File
ESC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cancel last function
SHIFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press/hold SHIFT, insert CD-ROM to bypass auto-play

SHIFT+DRAG . . . . . . . . . . . . Move file
SHIFT+F10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opens context menu (same as right-click)
SHIFT+DELETE . . . . . . . . . . . Full wipe delete (bypasses Recycle Bin)
ALT+underlined letter . . . . Opens the corresponding menu
PC Keyboard Shortcuts
Document Cursor Controls
HOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to beginning of line or far left of field or screen
END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to end of line, or far right of field or screen
CTRL+HOME . . . . . . . . to the top
CTRL+END . . . . . . . . . . to the bottom
PAGE UP . . . . . . . . . . . . moves document or dialog box up one page
PAGE DOWN . . . . . . . . moves document or dialog down one page
ARROW KEYS . . . . . . . move focus in documents, dialogs, etc.
CTRL+ > . . . . . . . . . . . . next word
CTRL+SHIFT+ > . . . . . . selects word
Windows Explorer Tree Control
Numeric Keypad * . . . Expand all under current selection
Numeric Keypad + . . . Expands current selection
Numeric Keypad – . . . Collapses current selection
¦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expand current selection or go to first child
‰ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collapse current selection or go to parent
Special Characters

‘ Opening single quote . . . alt 0145
’ Closing single quote . . . . alt 0146
“ Opening double quote . . . alt 0147
“ Closing double quote. . . . alt 0148
– En dash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0150
— Em dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0151
… Ellipsis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0133
• Bullet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0149
® Registration Mark . . . . . . . alt 0174
© Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0169
™ Trademark . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0153
° Degree symbol. . . . . . . . . alt 0176
¢ Cent sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0162
1⁄4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0188
1⁄2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0189
3⁄4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0190
PC Keyboard Shortcuts
Creating unique images in a uniform world! Creating unique images in a uniform world!
é . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0233
É . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0201
ñ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0241
÷ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . alt 0247

File menu options in current program
Alt + E Edit options in current program
F1 Universal help (for all programs)
Ctrl + A Select all text
Ctrl + X Cut selected item
Shift + Del Cut selected item
Ctrl + C Copy selected item
Ctrl + Ins Copy selected item
Ctrl + V Paste
Shift + Ins Paste
Home Go to beginning of current line
Ctrl + Home Go to beginning of document
End Go to end of current line
Ctrl + End Go to end of document
Shift + Home Highlight from current position to beginning of line
Shift + End Highlight from current position to end of line
Ctrl + f Move one word to the left at a time
Ctrl + g Move one word to the right at a time
Alt + Tab Switch between open applications
Alt +
Shift + Tab
Switch backwards between open
Alt + Print

Create screen shot for current program
Ctrl + Alt + Del Reboot/Windows® task manager
Ctrl + Esc Bring up start menu
Alt + Esc Switch between applications on taskbar
F2 Rename selected icon
F3 Start find from desktop
F4 Open the drive selection when browsing
F5 Refresh contents
Alt + F4 Close current open program
Ctrl + F4 Close window in program
Ctrl + Plus
Automatically adjust widths of all columns
in Windows Explorer
Alt + Enter Open properties window of selected icon
or program
Shift + F10 Simulate right-click on selected item
Shift + Del Delete programs/files permanently
Holding Shift
During Bootup
Boot safe mode or bypass system files
Holding Shift
During Bootup
When putting in an audio CD, will prevent
CD Player from playing
WINKEY + D Bring desktop to the top of other windows
WINKEY + M Minimize all windows
Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M
and WINKEY + D
WINKEY + E Open Microsoft Explorer
WINKEY + Tab Cycle through open programs on taskbar
WINKEY + F Display the Windows® Search/Find feature
Display the search for computers window

WINKEY + F1 Display the Microsoft® Windows® help
WINKEY + R Open the run window
Pause /Break
Open the system properties window
WINKEY + U Open utility manager
WINKEY + L Lock the computer (Windows XP® & later)
Alt + S Send the email
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Ctrl + P Open print dialog box
Ctrl + K Complete name/email typed in address bar
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + R Reply to an email
Ctrl + F Forward an email
Ctrl + N Create a new email
Ctrl + Shift + A Create a new appointment to your calendar
Ctrl + Shift + O Open the outbox
Ctrl + Shift + I Open the inbox
Ctrl + Shift + K Add a new task
Ctrl + Shift + C Create a new contact
Ctrl + Shift+ J Create a new journal entry

Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Ctrl + N Open new/blank document
Ctrl + O Open options
Ctrl + P Open the print window
Ctrl + F Open find box
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + K Insert link
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + G Find and replace options
Ctrl + H Find and replace options
Ctrl + J Justify paragraph alignment
Ctrl + L Align selected text or line to the left
Ctrl + Q Align selected paragraph to the left
Ctrl + E Align selected.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


 From the book Rich DAD Poor DAD, by Robert Kiyosaki

1. Don’t work for money:
Rich don’t work for money. If you work for money, your mind will start thinking like an employee. If you start thinking differently like a rich man, you will see things differently.

Rich works on their asset column, every dollar in their asset column is their hard-working employee.
2. Don’t be controlled by emotions:
Some people’s lives are always controlled by the two emotions of fear and greed. Fear keeps people in this trap of working hard, earning money, working hard, earning money, and hoping that it will reduce their fear.

Secondly, most of us have the greed to get rich quickly. Yes, many people become rich overnight, but they have no financial education. So educate yourself and don’t be greedy or fearful.
3. Acquire assets:
Don’t buy liabilities on your way to financial freedom. People buy liabilities and think these are assets, but they are not. Many people buy luxuries first, like big cars, heavy bikes, or big houses to live in.

But the rich buy assets and their assets buy luxuries. The rich buy houses and rent them, and they pay them for their Lamborghinis.

The poor or middle class buy luxuries first, and the rich buy luxuries last.
4. Remember the KISS principle:
KISS stands for keeping it simple, and stupid. Don’t be too overloaded your mind when you are going to start your way to financial freedom. Things are simple and keep them simple.

The simple thing to remember is assets put money in pocket and liabilities take money out of pocket.

Always buy assets so they put money into your pocket.
5. Know the difference between assets and liabilities:
Assets are anything that puts money in your pocket, like stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, rental properties, etc. Liabilities are anything that pulls money out of your pocket, like your house, your car, debt, etc.

People think their home is their biggest asset, but it is not. A house is an asset when it generates money like when you rent a house, it generates money, and when your life in that house becomes a liability.
6. Don’t be a financial illiterate:
A person can be highly educated and become successful in their profession, but financially illiterate. Financial education is very important for any individual. Our schools and colleges did not teach us financial education.

Many financial problems arise as a result of a lack of financial education. Start learning financial education and I suggest you read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad".
7. Increase your Wealth:
Wealth is defined as a person's ability to survive for a certain number of days in the future, or how long they could survive if they stopped working today.

Consider your wealth and whether you would survive if you stopped working today for a year.
8. Mind your own business:
If you have a job, keep your job and start a part-time business and work it. Use the time that you spend on your iPhone, parties, or any other activity, to build your business.

Never leave your job until you build your own business. Don’t struggle all of your life for someone else. Start your own business and grow your business.
9. Train your mind:
Your biggest asset is your mind. Many individuals watch opportunities with their eyes, but if you train your mind, you can see opportunities with your mind. If you train your mind well, it can create enormous wealth.
10. Learn technical skills:
Your financial IQ will be raised by learning these four technical skills:
Accounting is defined as the ability to read numbers. If you want to build an empire, then this is an essential skill. By learning this skill, you will be able to understand the strength and weaknesses of a business.
Investing: It is the science of making money.
Understanding markets: It is the science of supply and demand.
The Law: A person who has knowledge of the law of tax advantages and corporations can get rich faster than others.
11. Find opportunities that everyone else missed:
"Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind. "
You can see many more opportunities with your mind than many people miss with their eyes. It is not rocket science, you just need to train your mind.
12. Learn to manage risk:
Investment is not risky, not knowing the investment is risky. If you want to reduce the risk, then increase your knowledge. This knowledge will not come by going to college, it will come by reading books or sitting with people who know the investment.
13. Learn management:
The main management skills are:
Management of cash flow
Management of system
Management of people
Sales and marketing are the most essential skills. The ability to sell and the ability to communicate with another human being, be it a customer, employee, fiancé, friend, or child, is a basic skill of personal success.
14. Manage fear:
“Failure inspires winners. Failure defeats losers.”
Everyone has a fear of losing money.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Say Goodbye to Manual Calendars with This Excel Trick (File Included)

100 most popular prompts for excel

 Here are 100 popular Excel prompts and commands that will help you with data analysis, visualization, and calculations:

Basic Excel Functions

  1. How do I sum a column of numbers in Excel?
  2. How do I use the SUMIF function to sum based on a condition?
  3. How do I calculate the average of a range in Excel?
  4. How do I count the number of cells with numbers using COUNT?
  5. How do I count non-empty cells with COUNTA?
  6. How do I calculate the maximum value in a range?
  7. How do I calculate the minimum value in a range?
  8. How do I use IF to return a value based on a condition?
  9. How do I use AND in Excel for multiple conditions?
  10. How do I use OR in Excel for multiple conditions?
  11. How do I combine text from multiple cells using CONCATENATE or TEXTJOIN?
  12. How do I apply the LEFT function to extract the first characters of a cell?
  13. How do I extract the last characters using the RIGHT function?
  14. How do I extract text from the middle of a string using MID?
  15. How do I remove extra spaces using TRIM?
  16. How do I use LEN to find the number of characters in a cell?
  17. How do I change the text to uppercase using UPPER?
  18. How do I convert text to lowercase using LOWER?
  19. How do I capitalize the first letter of each word using PROPER?
  20. How do I round numbers using ROUND?

Advanced Functions

  1. How do I use VLOOKUP to find values in a table?
  2. How do I use HLOOKUP for horizontal lookups?
  3. How do I perform an approximate match with VLOOKUP?
  4. How do I use INDEX and MATCH for more dynamic lookups?
  5. How do I use XLOOKUP for advanced lookups?
  6. How do I use CHOOSE to return a value from a list of choices?
  7. How do I use OFFSET to return a range of cells?
  8. How do I use INDIRECT to reference a cell dynamically?
  9. How do I use MATCH to find the position of a value in a range?
  10. How do I use LOOKUP for more flexible lookups?
  11. How do I use TRANSPOSE to switch rows and columns?
  12. How do I use UNIQUE to extract unique values from a range?
  13. How do I use FILTER to filter data based on conditions?
  14. How do I use SORT to sort data dynamically?
  15. How do I use SUMPRODUCT to multiply ranges and sum the results?
  16. How do I use ARRAYFORMULA in Excel to apply a formula to a range?
  17. How do I use TEXT to format numbers and dates?
  18. How do I use ISNUMBER to check if a cell contains a number?
  19. How do I use ISERROR to handle errors in formulas?
  20. How do I use IFERROR to suppress errors and display alternative values?

Date & Time Functions

  1. How do I calculate the difference between two dates?
  2. How do I extract the day, month, or year from a date?
  3. How do I combine a date and time value?
  4. How do I calculate the number of workdays between two dates using NETWORKDAYS?
  5. How do I add or subtract days to a date in Excel?
  6. How do I use the TODAY function to return the current date?
  7. How do I use the NOW function to return the current date and time?
  8. How do I find the weekday of a date?
  9. How do I use WORKDAY to find a future or past workday?
  10. How do I calculate the difference in months or years between dates?

Data Manipulation & Cleaning

  1. How do I remove duplicates from a column?
  2. How do I split text into columns using Text to Columns?
  3. How do I join multiple columns into one using CONCAT or TEXTJOIN?
  4. How do I use FIND to locate text within a cell?
  5. How do I replace text using REPLACE or SUBSTITUTE?
  6. How do I extract numbers from a text string?
  7. How do I remove all non-numeric characters from a cell?
  8. How do I use TEXTSPLIT to split a string by a delimiter?
  9. How do I handle missing data using IFERROR or ISBLANK?
  10. How do I convert text to numbers?

Conditional Formatting

  1. How do I highlight cells based on their values?
  2. How do I create a heatmap using conditional formatting?
  3. How do I apply color scales to a range of data?
  4. How do I highlight duplicate values in a column?
  5. How do I use data bars to visualize data in a cell?
  6. How do I apply icons based on cell values?
  7. How do I create a rule to highlight cells above or below a certain value?
  8. How do I format cells based on another cell’s value?
  9. How do I use Custom Formula in conditional formatting?

Pivot Tables & Data Analysis

  1. How do I create a pivot table in Excel?
  2. How do I group data in a pivot table?
  3. How do I add calculated fields to a pivot table?
  4. How do I filter data in a pivot table using slicers?
  5. How do I create a pivot chart from a pivot table?
  6. How do I use a pivot table to calculate percentages?
  7. How do I drill down into pivot table data?
  8. How do I change the data source for a pivot table?
  9. How do I refresh a pivot table when new data is added?
  10. How do I use Power Pivot for advanced data analysis?

Charts & Visualization

  1. How do I create a basic chart in Excel?
  2. How do I create a combo chart with multiple data types?
  3. How do I add a secondary axis to a chart?
  4. How do I create a dynamic chart using a named range?
  5. How do I use sparklines to create mini charts within a cell?
  6. How do I create a stacked bar or column chart?
  7. How do I customize chart labels and axes?
  8. How do I add a trendline to a chart?
  9. How do I create a scatter plot or bubble chart?
  10. How do I create a pie chart and show percentages?
  11. How do I create a histogram in Excel?

Macros & Automation

  1. How do I record a macro in Excel?
  2. How do I edit a recorded macro using VBA?
  3. How do I assign a macro to a button in Excel?
  4. How do I use IF statements in VBA?
  5. How do I loop through rows or columns using VBA?
  6. How do I use VBA to automate data cleaning tasks?
  7. How do I create a macro to format a report automatically?
  8. How do I use VBA to protect and unprotect sheets?
  9. How do I use VBA to create a user form?
  10. How do I schedule a macro to run automatically at a certain time?

These prompts provide a comprehensive range of Excel functionalities, from basic formulas to advanced data analysis and automation, helping you master Excel for any task!

Here are some of the most popular prompts for using Excel, categorized into different functionalities:

Basic Functions and Formulas

  1. "How do I sum a column in Excel?"
  2. "What is the IF function and how do I use it?"
  3. "How can I create a formula for percentages?"
  4. "What is the VLOOKUP function and how does it work?"
  5. "How do I use the AVERAGE function in Excel?"
  6. "How do I calculate the difference between two dates?"
  7. "Explain how to use the COUNTIF function."
  8. "What is the difference between absolute and relative cell references?"
  9. "How do I round numbers to a specific number of decimal places?"
  10. "How do I concatenate text in multiple cells?"

Data Manipulation and Formatting

  1. "How do I format cells as currency?"
  2. "How do I sort data alphabetically?"
  3. "How can I filter data based on conditions?"
  4. "How do I remove duplicates in Excel?"
  5. "How do I split text into separate columns?"
  6. "How can I merge multiple cells into one?"
  7. "How do I convert text to numbers in Excel?"
  8. "What is conditional formatting and how can I use it?"
  9. "How do I use the 'Text to Columns' function?"
  10. "How do I transpose data from rows to columns?"

Charts and Graphs

  1. "How can I create a bar chart in Excel?"
  2. "How do I create a line chart in Excel?"
  3. "How can I create a pie chart?"
  4. "What is a pivot chart and how do I create one?"
  5. "How can I add a trendline to a chart?"
  6. "How do I customize chart labels?"
  7. "How do I create a combo chart with two types of graphs?"
  8. "How do I change the colors in my chart?"
  9. "How can I create a scatter plot in Excel?"
  10. "How do I create a stacked bar chart?"

Pivot Tables

  1. "How do I create a pivot table in Excel?"
  2. "How can I group data in a pivot table?"
  3. "How do I update a pivot table when new data is added?"
  4. "How can I filter a pivot table?"
  5. "What is a calculated field in a pivot table?"
  6. "How can I sort a pivot table?"
  7. "How do I create a pivot table from multiple sheets?"
  8. "How do I refresh a pivot table automatically?"
  9. "How do I use slicers in pivot tables?"
  10. "How can I show percentages in a pivot table?"

Advanced Formulas and Functions

  1. "How do I use the INDEX and MATCH functions together?"
  2. "What is the INDIRECT function and how do I use it?"
  3. "How do I use the OFFSET function?"
  4. "How do I use the SUMIFS function to sum based on multiple criteria?"
  5. "How do I use the XLOOKUP function?"
  6. "What is the UNIQUE function and how do I use it?"
  7. "How do I calculate compound interest in Excel?"
  8. "How do I use the AND and OR functions?"
  9. "What is the XMATCH function?"
  10. "How do I use the FIND and SEARCH functions?"

Data Analysis and Automation

  1. "How do I create a data validation drop-down list?"
  2. "How do I use goal seek in Excel?"
  3. "What is the Solver add-in and how do I use it?"
  4. "How do I automate tasks with Macros in Excel?"
  5. "How do I use the What-If Analysis tool?"
  6. "How can I create a scenario summary report?"
  7. "How do I use flash fill to automate data entry?"
  8. "How can I set up automatic conditional formatting?"
  9. "How do I use Power Query for data extraction?"
  10. "What is Power Pivot and how do I use it?"

Shortcuts and Productivity Tips

  1. "What are the most useful Excel keyboard shortcuts?"
  2. "How can I quickly jump between sheets?"
  3. "How do I freeze rows and columns in Excel?"
  4. "How do I hide rows or columns?"
  5. "How can I quickly select all data in a sheet?"
  6. "How do I insert a new row or column in Excel?"
  7. "How can I protect a worksheet from editing?"
  8. "How do I lock specific cells for editing?"
  9. "How do I quickly switch between open Excel files?"
  10. "How do I use the 'Fill Handle' to quickly fill data?"

Collaboration and Sharing

  1. "How do I share an Excel file with others?"
  2. "How do I track changes in Excel?"
  3. "How do I add comments in Excel?"
  4. "How do I use co-authoring in Excel online?"
  5. "How can I export an Excel file to PDF?"
  6. "How do I protect a workbook with a password?"
  7. "How do I send an Excel file by email directly from the app?"
  8. "How do I save an Excel workbook as a CSV file?"
  9. "How do I restrict editing to certain users?"
  10. "How can I print an Excel worksheet?"

Troubleshooting and Error Handling

  1. "How do I fix the #N/A error in Excel?"
  2. "What is the #VALUE! error and how do I resolve it?"
  3. "How do I avoid circular references in Excel?"
  4. "How can I fix the #DIV/0! error?"
  5. "How do I resolve the #REF! error?"
  6. "How do I fix Excel not responding or freezing?"
  7. "Why won't my Excel formulas update automatically?"
  8. "How can I recover an unsaved Excel file?"
  9. "How do I fix Excel file corruption issues?"
  10. "How do I resolve the #NAME? error?"


  1. "How do I add a watermark to my Excel sheet?"
  2. "How do I calculate loan payments using the PMT function?"
  3. "How do I use Excel for project management?"
  4. "How can I create a Gantt chart in Excel?"
  5. "How do I create a timeline in Excel?"
  6. "How do I perform a linear regression in Excel?"
  7. "How do I calculate ROI in Excel?"
  8. "How do I create a budget in Excel?"
  9. "How do I use Excel for inventory management?"
  10. "How do I import data from a web page into Excel?"

This list covers a wide range of essential and advanced Excel functionalities. Let me know if you'd like to dive deeper into any of them!