Thursday, November 21, 2024

100 lessons that school don't teach

 Here’s a comprehensive list of 100 lessons that schools often don’t teach but are vital for personal growth, success, and well-being:

Life Skills

  1. Managing finances and budgeting
  2. Filing taxes
  3. Understanding credit scores and loans
  4. Buying or renting a house
  5. Cooking basic meals
  6. Doing laundry and household chores
  7. Basic car maintenance (changing a tire, oil)
  8. Time management
  9. First aid and emergency response
  10. Self-defense techniques

Health and Wellness

  1. Mental health awareness
  2. Managing stress and anxiety
  3. Building a balanced diet
  4. Understanding exercise and fitness basics
  5. Sleep hygiene
  6. Recognizing harmful substances
  7. Body language awareness
  8. Breathing techniques for relaxation
  9. Sexual health and consent
  10. Preventive healthcare

Social Skills

  1. Effective communication
  2. Conflict resolution
  3. Active listening
  4. Negotiation and persuasion
  5. Building and maintaining friendships
  6. Networking skills
  7. Understanding different perspectives
  8. How to apologize sincerely
  9. Recognizing and setting boundaries
  10. Respecting cultural differences

Career and Work

  1. Writing a compelling resume and cover letter
  2. Preparing for interviews
  3. Office etiquette
  4. Freelancing and entrepreneurship basics
  5. How to negotiate a salary
  6. Building a personal brand
  7. Understanding workplace politics
  8. Staying organized in a professional environment
  9. Recognizing career burnout
  10. Lifelong learning strategies

Personal Development

  1. Emotional intelligence
  2. Self-awareness and self-reflection
  3. Setting and achieving goals
  4. Overcoming fear of failure
  5. Building self-confidence
  6. Handling criticism
  7. Developing discipline
  8. The power of gratitude
  9. Identifying personal values
  10. Cultivating resilience

Financial Literacy

  1. Investing basics
  2. Understanding inflation
  3. Saving for retirement
  4. Creating a financial safety net
  5. How to avoid debt traps
  6. Using credit cards wisely
  7. Basics of insurance
  8. The importance of an emergency fund
  9. Understanding market trends
  10. Passive income strategies


  1. Building healthy romantic relationships
  2. Recognizing toxic behaviors
  3. Parenting basics
  4. Supporting a partner emotionally
  5. Managing long-distance relationships
  6. Conflict resolution in relationships
  7. Recognizing red and green flags
  8. Effective co-parenting
  9. Nurturing family bonds
  10. How to end relationships respectfully

Practical Knowledge

  1. Basic DIY repairs
  2. Reading contracts and agreements
  3. Digital literacy (avoiding scams, online safety)
  4. Public speaking skills
  5. Critical thinking and skepticism
  6. Decision-making techniques
  7. Basic gardening and plant care
  8. Map reading and navigation
  9. Survival skills in nature
  10. How to read body language

Mindset and Philosophy

  1. Understanding the importance of failure
  2. Cultivating a growth mindset
  3. Importance of ethics and integrity
  4. Learning from criticism
  5. The power of curiosity
  6. Living in the present moment
  7. Dealing with uncertainty
  8. The value of persistence
  9. The importance of empathy
  10. How to find meaning in life


  1. Coding basics
  2. Understanding artificial intelligence
  3. Setting up and maintaining a website
  4. Cybersecurity basics
  5. Digital productivity tools
  6. Basic graphic design
  7. Cloud storage and file management
  8. Troubleshooting tech issues
  9. Leveraging social media for opportunities
  10. Understanding online privacy

Here are 100 additional lessons schools often don’t teach:

Life Skills

  1. Grocery shopping on a budget
  2. Meal prepping
  3. Organizing personal documents
  4. How to pack efficiently for travel
  5. Reading a utility bill
  6. Understanding rental agreements
  7. Basic plumbing fixes (unclogging drains, fixing leaks)
  8. How to build a wardrobe with essentials
  9. Keeping a clean and organized living space
  10. Moving logistics and tips

Health and Wellness

  1. How to recognize burnout
  2. Tracking your health metrics
  3. How to handle chronic illnesses
  4. Importance of hydration
  5. Recognizing symptoms of common diseases
  6. The link between mental health and physical health
  7. Natural remedies and when to use them
  8. Managing food allergies
  9. Sun protection and skincare basics
  10. How to avoid repetitive stress injuries

Social Skills

  1. How to make small talk
  2. Handling awkward situations
  3. Learning how to say “no”
  4. How to introduce yourself confidently
  5. Building rapport with strangers
  6. The art of storytelling
  7. How to exit a conversation politely
  8. Reading non-verbal cues
  9. Maintaining long-distance friendships
  10. How to resolve misunderstandings

Career and Work

  1. Setting up a LinkedIn profile
  2. How to get freelance gigs
  3. Building a professional network
  4. Writing professional emails
  5. Prioritizing tasks effectively
  6. Handling workplace harassment
  7. The basics of project management
  8. Understanding contracts and NDAs
  9. How to handle being fired or laid off
  10. Building an effective portfolio

Personal Development

  1. How to handle imposter syndrome
  2. Practicing mindfulness
  3. Using visualization techniques
  4. Developing patience
  5. Journaling for self-reflection
  6. Dealing with procrastination
  7. Practicing assertiveness
  8. The importance of hobbies
  9. Using failure as a learning opportunity
  10. How to manage envy and jealousy

Financial Literacy

  1. Compound interest explained
  2. Planning for major purchases
  3. Understanding different types of bank accounts
  4. The basics of cryptocurrency
  5. Managing student loans
  6. Understanding the stock market
  7. How to start a side hustle
  8. Reading a paycheck stub
  9. Donating and charity budgeting
  10. Avoiding lifestyle inflation


  1. Handling breakups gracefully
  2. Identifying love languages
  3. The importance of compromise
  4. Understanding generational differences
  5. How to forgive someone
  6. Resolving family conflicts
  7. Supporting friends during tough times
  8. Building trust in relationships
  9. Coping with loneliness
  10. How to spot manipulation

Practical Knowledge

  1. Installing software and apps
  2. Troubleshooting Wi-Fi issues
  3. Recognizing scams and phishing emails
  4. How to plan a road trip
  5. Organizing photos and digital files
  6. Efficient shopping strategies
  7. Writing a complaint letter
  8. Understanding power of attorney
  9. Basics of sewing and mending
  10. Assembling furniture

Mindset and Philosophy

  1. The value of delayed gratification
  2. How to embrace change
  3. Why perfectionism is harmful
  4. The benefits of gratitude journaling
  5. Understanding existentialism
  6. The concept of minimalism
  7. The importance of play in adulthood
  8. How to avoid toxic positivity
  9. The art of letting go
  10. Living with intention


  1. Basics of video editing
  2. Setting up a home office
  3. Using cloud-based tools effectively
  4. The importance of software updates
  5. Online etiquette (netiquette)
  6. Avoiding echo chambers online
  7. Designing a basic PowerPoint presentation
  8. How to troubleshoot common computer problems
  9. Understanding internet privacy settings
  10. Setting parental controls on devices

Here’s another 100 lessons schools often don’t teach, divided into practical, emotional, and philosophical categories:

Life Skills

  1. How to read a pay stub and understand deductions
  2. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance
  3. How to find a mentor
  4. Understanding warranties and guarantees
  5. Returning or exchanging purchases
  6. How to declutter effectively
  7. Organizing a personal schedule
  8. Planning a family event or gathering
  9. Setting up a personal filing system
  10. How to borrow responsibly

Health and Wellness

  1. Recognizing signs of addiction
  2. The role of hormones in mood and health
  3. The basics of aromatherapy
  4. How to track menstrual cycles
  5. Recognizing and managing seasonal depression
  6. How to create a self-care routine
  7. Avoiding and managing injuries during exercise
  8. The benefits of regular health check-ups
  9. The importance of ergonomics
  10. How to use a fitness tracker effectively

Social Skills

  1. Practicing diplomacy in conversations
  2. Understanding unspoken social rules
  3. Handling misunderstandings with tact
  4. Reading the room in social settings
  5. Knowing when to give constructive feedback
  6. How to ask for help effectively
  7. Understanding the art of flattery
  8. Dealing with difficult people
  9. The etiquette of gift-giving
  10. How to gracefully accept compliments

Career and Work

  1. Understanding corporate hierarchies
  2. How to conduct a productive meeting
  3. How to handle workplace gossip
  4. Writing professional thank-you notes
  5. Basic bookkeeping and accounting
  6. Developing team leadership skills
  7. The importance of time-tracking
  8. How to manage client relationships
  9. How to give and receive performance reviews
  10. Building an effective personal development plan

Personal Development

  1. The basics of meditation
  2. Developing a personal mantra
  3. How to identify your strengths
  4. The role of vulnerability in growth
  5. Understanding self-sabotage
  6. How to manage overthinking
  7. Embracing change as an opportunity
  8. Recognizing unhealthy coping mechanisms
  9. Practicing radical honesty
  10. The importance of regular reflection

Financial Literacy

  1. Basics of estate planning
  2. Understanding inflation’s impact on savings
  3. Using cashback and rewards programs effectively
  4. How to split finances in a relationship
  5. Managing inheritance responsibly
  6. How to deal with financial emergencies
  7. Understanding credit card reward programs
  8. The importance of diversifying income streams
  9. The difference between good and bad debt
  10. Understanding the gig economy


  1. Handling relationship conflicts constructively
  2. Understanding the stages of grief
  3. Dealing with difficult in-laws
  4. Recognizing when to end a friendship
  5. How to cohabitate with a partner
  6. Navigating long-term relationships
  7. Showing appreciation in relationships
  8. The importance of personal space
  9. Managing jealousy in friendships or relationships
  10. Supporting someone through mental health struggles

Practical Knowledge

  1. Basic electrical safety
  2. Creating a household budget
  3. How to use public transportation efficiently
  4. Recognizing phishing scams
  5. Securing your home against break-ins
  6. Maintaining a healthy indoor environment
  7. Cleaning and caring for different materials
  8. Planning for seasonal home maintenance
  9. Packing for different climates
  10. Reading and interpreting product labels

Mindset and Philosophy

  1. How to question your own biases
  2. Learning the difference between fact and opinion
  3. Understanding stoicism
  4. The importance of critical thinking
  5. How to handle existential crises
  6. Embracing uncertainty
  7. How to cultivate humility
  8. Understanding how privilege impacts society
  9. Why empathy matters in every context
  10. The importance of curiosity in learning


  1. How to build a simple spreadsheet
  2. Setting up two-factor authentication
  3. Organizing and backing up digital files
  4. Basics of cloud computing
  5. Writing and formatting professional documents
  6. Creating a simple infographic
  7. How to automate repetitive tasks with technology
  8. The basics of website SEO
  9. How to spot and avoid misinformation
  10. Setting up smart devices in your home

Let me know if you'd like to explore any of these lessons in detail!

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